Top 10 uses for garlic

Top 10 uses for garlic

Just like people, vegetables also have an affinity or aversion effect within us – until we discover their uses that change our perception of them. The pungent smell of garlic is no exception. The strong taste and awful smell is a definite put off but once you know its uses; Varied Uses You’ll start to think garlic isn’t such a bad person after all.

Garlic or Allium sativum belongs to the onion and leek family. The active compound in garlic is allicin which is released when the garlic is chopped. Did you know that garlic was rarely used in English cuisine although it was very popular in the Mediterranean region even among the ancient Greeks and Egyptians?

health and beauty
This is a common use for garlic that you may have heard of many times before. Rubbing a clove of raw garlic helps treat troublesome acne. It has blood cleansing properties, keeps the digestive system healthy and is an effective antibiotic as well. Garlic prevents cancer, keeps cold at bay, helps maintain a healthy heart and is good for the liver. Garlic also treats itchy skin and fungal infections.

Mosquitoes and fleas
You can place garlic cloves next to your bed or rub its juice on your skin to repel mosquitoes. Ticks and fleas also flee from garlic so you can rub garlic juice on your pets as well. If you do not want your pet to sport that stink, you can make sure to include a small amount of garlic in your pets diet.

Garlic also makes a good green pesticide. It is environmentally friendly and also very effective for warding off whiteflies, cabbage loopers and other irritating pests. All you have to do is mix the garlic with the pepper and soap to protect the vegetables.

Mix minced garlic with vinegar and lemon juice for an effective disinfectant or cleanser.

fishing bait
You can try this next time you go fishing. Cover those marshmallows with generous amounts of crushed garlic. This seems to make hunting easier.

Garlic works on paper and even glass. You can use the juice as glue.

Garlic is an aphrodisiac just like cardamom. Such a difference between the two! Garlic helps blood circulation hence the effect, they said. If the smell of garlic worries you, you can drink some lemon juice to treat it.

You can use garlic salt to melt ice from your driveways or roadsides in the winter. In fact, in the year 2008; In Ankeny, Iowa, garlic salt donated by seasoning producer Ton Brothers Inc. was used to melt snow and ice in suburban Des Moines.

Remove the splinters
Chop a piece of garlic and put it on the splinter. The splinter will come out on its own but it will take a few hours.

Ward off evil spirits
Garlic is supposed to defend you from evil spirits and even vampires. Forgetting garlic juice, some people hang wreaths of garlic on their windows to protect them from demons.

With so many benefits, don’t overdo it with garlic in your diet. Take it in moderation and enjoy this versatile medicinal plant.

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